You have to be dressed to be outside! מאוד IMPORTANT! When it rains, you do not want to get wet, right? That’s why it really helps to learn about waterproof fabrics. At Suzhou Ruihe, there are many great waterproof fabrics to keep you dry and comfortable as per the weather in outside for the whole day. Light drizzle or heavy downpour, your clothes can make the difference!
There are a ton of different waterproof fabrics out there, but they are not all created equal. Some are better for light rain, and others are designed for heavy rain. When it comes to outdoor gear, here is the rundown on some of the best waterproof fabrics you should look out for:
Gore-Tex –This is one of the best-known names in waterproof fabric. Gore-Tex is not only water-proof, but comes "breathable" and "wind-proof" as well. That means you can wear it for things like hiking, camping, or other fun outdoor activities, and will stay dry and comfortable.
TPU – TPU is the acronym for thermoplastic polyurethane. A porous material that is very strong and flexible; used to make waterproof breathable fabrics. Because TPU is resistant to abrasions, punctures, and tears, it’s a good material for gear used during all types of outdoor activities.
PVC – PVC stands for polyvinyl chloride. A synthetic fabric which is often used for rain jackets and tarps, a waterproof material. Perhaps one of the greatest features of PVC is its durability, allowing it to last for many years even in difficult environments.
Ripstop — Ripstop fabric is a special type of nylon or polyester that has been woven with reinforced threads in a crosshatched pattern. The distinctive weaving employed in the production of this material makes it extremely tear- and rip-resistant. Ripstop fabric is commonly found in waterproof camping and hiking gear, such as tents and backpacks.
If you’re shopping for outdoor gear, though, you need to be sure that it’s constructed with the best waterproof fabrics on the market. Here’s an overview of the best waterproof fabrics to seek out when you’re shopping for outdoor gear: